Friday, February 12, 2010

UPDATE: OOPS the real reason Williams may have backed off plans to put disposal well in Argyle

The Cross Timbers Gazette reports that Williams Production has dropped it's plans to put a disposal well in Argyle near Jeter Rd and Frenchtown.

We mentioned that this proposed disposal well was located in the Denton Creek Flood Plan that flows to Lake Grapevine. Bartonville and Argyle water departments were concerned that it could contaminate the residents fresh drinking water.

The company said community feedback played a role in its decision to change direction.

New Information:
It appears that it real reason Williams backed off this location may not of been community feedback. Back in January, the Denton RC ran an article about the disposal well. In this article it mentioned that Gulftex had filed a protest for the well. No comment was made to why. But apparently this disposal well would be in the middle of two lateral lines drilled by Gulftex. Click here to read the article. This could definitely up the chances of trouble for the disposal well.

Gulftex Operating Inc., a Dallas-based energy company that operates gas wells in the Argyle area, also filed a protest against the disposal well, state records show. David York, the company’s executive vice president, declined to comment.

Williams had planned to use this disposal well to support their proposed Waste Water Centralized Collection Facility in Flower Mound. They planned to truck or pipe the waste to Argyle. Many Flower Mound residents were concerned about the Argyle disposal well too. A large majority of Flower Mound residents are against the proposed proposed CCF and pipelines. They do not want toxic waste water/produced water running underground via pipelines throughout their community.

There are also many dangers with storing the waster water/produced water in above ground tanks. These "tank batteries" emit toxic emissions and are highly flammable.

The big question is what is Williams next move?


  1. I know...I know...I know ....Pack up, cut their losses, apologize for coming here in the first place and leave town!

  2. Don't we wish they would leave town. How about recycling on site so no one has to get the drilling waste water trucked or piped into their community.
    Oh yeah, that won't make them any money so that will never happen.

  3. I heard about an article in a Tulsa Business weekly, and it was saying that Williams was in the process of converting to recycling water systems in the Barnett Shale.
    It specifically mentioned Flower Mound.

  4. If they are going to do it on site and do away with piping and storing it at a CCF, than I say they are serious about being a good neighbor. If they are still going to pipe it to the CCF and recycle there, forget it. No pipelines!!!!!!!!!

  5. Most injection well permits are approved by the Texas Railroad Commission, despite heaps of "community feedback."

    Gulftex filed one of the first protest letters for the proposed location. Williams must have forgotten Map Reading 101, as did folks down at the Railroad Commission when they permitted the drilling of that well -- it's right in the middle of two lateral lines drilled by Gulftex.

  6. Isn't it interesting that Williams apparently listens to "community feedback" but Mayor Smith and Councilmembers Wallace, Levenick, and Dixon don't?

    May 8th people. May 8th.

  7. Would you please enlighten me on how I can obtain maps like the one you commented on 2-11 at 10:44 pm. I would like to start my own collection! Thank you!

  8. The maps are on the Texas Railroad Commission website. They are not easy to navigate and take some patience. Also, if a gas company transfers wells to another gas company, it takes sometime for the map to update.


    We found a gas listing for Gulftex lease on Frenchtown. This may be one of the wells that was near the proposed disposal well. Go to page 24.

  10. As a Flower Mound resident, this is very concerning.

    Now that Williams doesn't have an injection site option in Argyle they will be looking for options.

    Since our Town Council and Mayor have been so "inviting" with Williams and the Oil & Gas folks, I wouldn't be surprise if they came knocking on our door.

  11. Even if they recyle it on-site, they still need some pipelines to get it there, so it would be reduced but not eliminate. However, it would be nice to see them recycle it.

  12. I appreciate the information on the maps! Thank you!

  13. anon 1:12. You are right. There will still be pipelines taking the waste to the CCF. They will still need the tanks to store the wastewater before recycling it.
    We don't need any more pipelines in the mix. If they recycle on site everything happens right at the pad site. No transportation period.

  14. I was reading on another blog that a Shiloh resident said that the CCF was their idea and it was part of their contract. The resident went by Shiloh Chris. "Shiloh Chris said...
    Yes I know, when our neighborhood was approached to lease our minerals we were lucky. Several of my neighbors are ex-oil and gas engineers and we formed a neighborhood group to negotiate for the whole group. And just one of the provision in our lease is they do not have any surface rights at all period. We also along with the town don't allow open pit drilling. And we got them to agree to build a waster water collection facility (which was one our are # 1 demands)that would pipe the waste water to the Bunn Wilson Lease where their already exist a compression station. We felt this would lessen the surface impact to the environment, reduce truck traffic next to our homes, and the potential number of spills. I do feel for those who have been wronged by the industry. And the rotten operators. But as with all things, there are good one too.
    12:03 PM"
    This resident said in another post that he has been paid like $45,000from Williams already!

    Makes you wonder if some of the Shiloh residents are going to get a cut of the profit from the CCF.

  15. Here is the comment from Shiloh Chris about all the money Williams is paying him. This came off of TXsharon's blog

    " Shiloh Chris said...
    Oh, Tammi I found you here. That other piece was getting way to long to keep up. Anyway I just got back from my annual check up. Good news, I had her check my blood work for benzene and it was all good except for my HDL, a little low. Need more exercise. Anyway, you might want to check with the Town of Flower Mound about your signs, I just saw a city truck picking one up off of Wichita Trail. I think it's against city ordnance to post signage in the right of way in Flower Mound. You could probably pick them up there, but they might fine you for setting them out. Oh, and yes, if let them do a seismic test on your property they pay you a $15,000.00 usage fee for each time they want to test. I've made like $45,000.00 in the last 2 months.

    4:30 PM"


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