Monday, February 22, 2010

Sexual predators flock to energy boom towns

This is frightening. On top of environmental and health issues, it appears there is another danger of natural gas drilling..... the increase of sexual predators.

the study has found that twice to three times as many sexual predators are flocking to the boom towns as to nearby tourist, ranching and farming communities.

The researchers found that, per capita, the number of hospital beds was the same everywhere, but the number of sexual offenders had grown much more rapidly in the oil and gas towns than in those dependent on recreation or agriculture.

Click here to read the complete article. Be sure to check out the study that has a link in the article.


  1. In the infamous words of the Shiloh folks..."You need to take the emotion out of this issue." So now I need a scientific study to reasonably argue that I did not move to Flower Mound so my kids could be around a disproportionately high number of sex offenders. Maybe if I was getting some mailbox money, then it would ok, yeah, probably would.

  2. Oh my word! And the hits just keep on rolling!

  3. Hey, Dixon is all about protecting the community and children, so I'm SURE he'll want to see this.


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