Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strange Bubbles in the Puddles at the Ruggiero's

It seems to be one thing after another out at the Ruggiero's Lonestar Ranch! Now they have bubbles in their puddles. The whole Beverly Hillbillies song plays in my head "up from the ground came a bubbling crude". Only ole Tim and Christine aren't millionaires and going where there are swimming pools and movie stars. Although they certainly deserve too.

The Texas Railroad Commission has been notified but so far no action taken.

here for the whole story from TXsharon.


  1. I am not surprised. It is just like Dish. Dish has national recognition and is the poster child for poor drilling practices. You would think that these operators would have cleaned up their act. Nope, not yet. They are still spewing emissions in Dish. I suspect, if you don't have a lot of money to push them legally, you will never get them to clean up their act. I would say don't hold your breath, but maybe you should!

  2. If Texas can't protect its own citizens' health from lax drilling practices, the federal government needs to step in with strict regulations and harsh penalties for those that endanger health, pollute the land and decimate property values in the process. The gas industry needs to be held accountable!

  3. If Texas can't protect its own citizens' health from lax drilling practices, the federal government needs to step in with strict regulations and harsh penalties for those that endanger health, pollute the land and decimate property values in the process. The gas industry needs to be held accountable!


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