Friday, October 4, 2013

60,000 Gallons Of Drilling Fluids And Waste Spilled!!!

It has been reported that over 60,000 gallons of oil and gas related fluids were spilled due to the flooding in Colorado.

Pipelines, transportation and storage of oil, gas, frack water and  drilling waste is dangerous. How many permits and variances have been granted too close or in flood plains in Texas?

Some of you in Flower Mound may remember that the town almost let in a huge Centralized Collection Facility (CCF) that would allow the transportation of drilling waste via pipelines throughout the town. The waste would have been stored in multiple storage tanks called tank batteries. Just like the tanks we saw overturned or floating in the flood waters in Colorado. Thankfully the residents woke up and rallied to stop the CCF.
Here are a few past posts about the CCF:
Click here and here

We have heard that drilling seems to be starting up in neighboring towns again. In fact, it appears most of our concerned residents have quietly slipped back into a peaceful sleep when it comes to gas and oil production issues. Last time everyone was sleeping over 80 wells were permitted and close to 60 wells were drilled......


  1. "Colorado’s official post-disaster river and stream survey of the 4,500 square miles that were in the path of last month’s floods found “no evidence” of oil and gas pollution, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has found."

    "As the floodwaters rose last week operators activated heavy-duty valves to shut in more than 1,900 wells. There were a few minor spills. Anadarko appears to have lost two storage tanks containing about 450 barrels of oil (about 20,000 gallons) that got washed into flood waters. Noble had a couple wells and gathering pipelines leak small amounts of natural gas. The Colorado Oil And Gas Association says that they are investigating how many open pits containing produced water may have been scoured out by flood waters, but they reassure the anti-fracking crowd that there were no fracking operations being conducted, “This means no fracking fluids, no chemicals associated with fracking, nor equipment were on sites at the time of the flooding.”"
    "Obama EPA Debunks Activists Who Played Politics with Tragic Floods"

  2. We are not surprised they tried to debunk claims of contamination. But our experience here in Texas has proven the industry and some elected officials can't be trusted to be transparent and completely honest.


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