Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Senator Davis calls for a Senate investigation of gas production and barnett shale area air quality

Senator Wendy Davis has great concern about the air quality here in North Texas, the Barnett Shale area. In the past few months, both a TCEQ study and a privately funded study in the Town of Dish, discovered high levels of benzene in the air. Benzene can lead to leukemia.

Senator Davis has called for a Senate investigation.


"It seems as though there are some very serious health concerns that should cause us alarm," Davis said.

On Monday, Davis sent a letter to Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, calling for a Senate investigation into the environmental impacts of gas production processes, and expressing concern over the benzene levels discovered both by TCEQ and a private study in DISH, a small Denton County community.

Below is the link to the letter Senator Davis sent to the Lt. Governor


A couple of weeks ago, the Environmental Defense Fund put out a press release on an analysis they did of the state air pollution monitoring between 2002 and 2008. The study found that Denton County air contained more potentially hazardous pollutants than any other county in the DFW area.


Txsharon has been reporting about a well in Wise County operated by Aruba Petroleum. The owner of the property, who unfortunately is does not own the minerals, has told Sharon that they smell strong chemicals and see white "steam" no matter what time of day.


The Gas and Oil industry is out of control and in need of reform on the Federal, State and Local government level. Those of us that live in Towns that have Oil and Gas Ordinances need to demand that our ordinances protect us.

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