Saturday, February 20, 2010

UPDATE: Flower Mound Council Votes 4-0 to have representation

Today at the Town Council Meeting, the Council Members voted 4-0 in favor of having Terry Welch represent the town in the lawsuit with Mockingbird Pipeline. We are grateful that our elected officials listened to the majority of the community.


Anonymous said...

It's a freagin' miracle!

Anonymous said...

Now lets watch what happens. Prediction is that the pipline will be completed. What I don't know is how much this exercise will cost the town. But rest assured as soon as the case is finalized, there will be a FOI filed with the town to discover how much was spent on legal fees and court costs.

Anonymous said...

Legal fees are a drop in the bucket compared to what loss revenue from property value loss will do. There are already people either moving out, or not moving here in the first place because of the drilling, ask any HONEST realtor from this area and they will confirm.

Anonymous said...

To 8:37 pm:
Your comment does not surprise me or anyone else. As usual, you are driven by money as that appears to be the only motivation for the individuals receiving funds for this adventure. There is no way you will ever understand, we do not care about your money, and if it cost the town funds to defend itself, so be it. Neither you, nor the Town had any difficulty spending the Town’s funds to clear the Mayors name of sexual harassment. As the Mayor stated, “an investigation was done, attorneys, etc." Your behavior has consistently demonstrated all you care about are funds. I care about safety, clean air, water, and good health. By the way, you and all your friends will benefit from the goal I am striving for and I will gladly share it with all. Who benefits from your goal?

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone buy a property in Flower Mound if the mineral rights didn't come with it? How can this not affect the sale of all of this property in the future?